Friday, March 13, 2009

What was the response to the 92 Resolutions?

10 Resolutions

Lower Canada Governor James Russell rejected the 92 Resolutions and retaliated with his own list of demands about the French, essenially blaming the French for their own misfortunes.

The 10 Resolutions would be the final insult and convince Papineau that WAR would be the only way to win French rights.

The Rebellions of 1837-38

Papineau and his army known as "les fils de la Liberte" will battle the English army in Lower Canada.

3 main battles of the 1837-38 Rebellion:

  1. Battle of St Denis and Chateaugay (French victory)

  2. The Battle of St Charles (draw)

  3. The Battle of St Eustache (English vicotry and the end of the Rebellion)

Why did the Patriotes lose the Rebellion of 1837-38?

  1. They never received the man power help form the USA

  2. Catholic Church opposed the Rebellion

  3. Reformers like Lafontaine discouraged involvement in the Rebellion

  4. British military was well armed with weapons and men. Re-enforcement from Britain was a priority.


The defeat of the French after the Rebellions left Upper and Lower Canada with the same problems it had priot to the Rebellions:

  1. The French still had little say in government

  2. The English still had the power and the money


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