Friday, March 13, 2009

Steps to the Rebellion of 1837-38

English (Chateau Clique/elite)

What did they want:


  • Control over undeveloped land

  • control over all business

  • competition with French over farming

French (Parti Partriote)

What did they want:

  • more power for the Assembly

  • control over government budget

  • taxes on trade and less on land

  • limit immigration (farms overpopulated)

  • represenation by population (majority rules)

  • responsible government (have the people vote for their leaders in the executive and/pr legislative councils

-English will hire French children to work on the TIMBER trade and CANAL building
-French upset because the jobs are dangerous and the pay is very little
-English establish compaines such as: Molson (beer), Ogilvy (clothes), Five Rose (flour), Redpath (sugar)

Montreal Massacre (1832)

British soldier during a demonstration against the baised Assembly and Lower Canada Government kill 3 French Canadien assembly representatives. Papineau visits the USA to negotiate terms for weapons and military support if the French go to war with the English

92 Resolutions

Parti Patriote leader and Assembly representative Louis Joseph Papineau constructs a list of changes that the French feel the Lower Canada Government must act upon to help the terrible situation for the French in Lower Canada.

Top 3 demands of the 92 Resolutions:

  1. Responsible Government (people can elect the members of the Legislative Council, those who make the laws and taxes)

  2. Representation by Population (majority of Representatives in the Assembly has the greater influence over government

  3. control over the budget (have tax money go to the people who need it)


  1. Hey miss, does the notes for the test tmrow end at the 3 demands for the 92 Resolutions?

  2. and do e need to know about Lord Durham?
